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Instructional League 4 (2/27/25 - 4/17/25)

Instructional League 4 (2/27/25 - 4/17/25)

Instructional League:

5 weeks of curling: Feb 27, Mar 13, 20, Apr 10, 17 (no class on Mar 6, 27, Apr 3)


$150 per curler

Taking a Learn To Curl class is not required to sign up for this league, but is recommended.

Designed for those new to the sport, Instructional Leagues combine 30 minutes to an hour of detailed instruction with a few ends of gameplay. Each week, instructors will address the more detailed elements of delivering a stone, sweeping, and strategy. These leagues last five weeks, and the final week is reserved for an entire six-end game. No experience or equipment is required. Wear clean, rubber soled shoes for walking on the ice (running shoes / tennis shoes are recommended). Warm clothes and gloves are recommended, along with clean rubber-soled shoes (like running shoes / tennis shoes).

Minimum of 8 required to make the class. We will determine this a couple days before the start.


Event Properties

Event Date 02-27-2025 7:15 pm
Event End Date 02-27-2025 8:45 pm
Cut off date 02-26-2025 11:00 pm
Registered 7 [View List]
Available place 3
Individual Price $150.00
Location Outpost Ice Arenas

We are no longer accepting registration for this event

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Our Ice Location

Outpost Ice Arenas

9530 Tramway Blvd NE
Albuquerque, NM 87122


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About The Club

Roadrunner Curling Club is a volunteer-run 501(c)3 nonprofit organization dedicated to the enjoyment and promotion of the sport of curling in central New Mexico. Our home is at the Outpost Ice Arenas in northeast Albuquerque, where we rent two sheets of ice for games and teaching. We typically curl there three times per week. Our club offers recreational leagues for all levels of play, from beginning curlers to those with years of experience. Discover what this fantastic sport can do for you!

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